Welcome to Live Stream Design

You Create Live ~ ~ Audience Influences Live ~ ~ Available Immediately

The new business model of Live Stream Design is where a designer createsdesign for a new physical (material) product on a computer and broadcasts the design process in a live streaming video on the Internet. An audience can watch, comment and suggest, and the designer can react in real time to the suggestions. The new design is made available right after it is finished. In Live Stream Design, the process is the show, and in some ways it belongs to the domain of entertainment.

When the process flowchart of Live Stream Design is analysed, and compared to the flowchart of conventional ways of creating and marketing product designs, it becomes clear that Live Stream Design has a unique sequence and timing, meaning it is an entirely new business model not seen before, basically changing the “rules of the game”, and not just a tweaking of features. Live Stream Design is a method that will work in designing and marketing 2-D print digital designs meant for 3-D objects, and even possiblty 3-D digital designs meant for 3-D printing of 3-D objects.

This website is created to introduce and explain the Live Stream Design method, which is free for anyone to implement.  Learn more about Live Stream Design in text or in video. Comprehensive searches conducted in the fall of 2017 indicated, that no one seemed to have organised the design/showing/selling/manufacturing/delivery process in this way before, as is further explained on the Searching for… page.

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Latest Live Stream Design Sessions

Featured Live Stream Sessions Videos:

First Live Stream Session: Color Setting the Broa 1 Scarf – 1 Minute Extract Video

First Live Stream Session: Color Setting the Broa 1 Scarf – 7 Minutes Extract Video


You can contact LiveStreamDesign by sending an email to topfauna@topfauna.com.